Monday, December 19, 2011

US experts claimed that the global economy is quot; fragile quot; growth

Everett Hughes--visit United States Wilson international scholars Center United States and World Economic Institute, Director of Kante·xiusi in developed economic body debt crisis constantly exposed of background Xia, global economic walked has does not flat of 2011 years. prospect 2012, global economic trend how, which risk needs vigilance, which positive factors worth concern? reporter recently interview with has United States famous intellectual library wood Luo·weierxun international scholars Center United States and World Economic Institute, Director of Kante·xiusi (Kent h. Hughes).  In his view, the global economy in 2012 will appear "with great vulnerability" of moderate growth, the biggest single risk still lies in the euro zone. Europe needs better coordination in China Securities journal: in the past 2011, debt problems in advanced economies evolve, including the United States debt downgrades and the Greece debt exacerbated the problem weighed on the euro crisis,. the current European
Debt crisis is considered to be the largest threat to world economic uncertainty. What do you see as the 2012 world economic trend? what are the primary risk? what are the highlights? Kante·xiusi: overall view, I by foreseen of is will appeared a with is large vulnerable sexual of moderate growth year. maximum of single risk still is euro and euro will where of problem. I I is a optimism who, I think European people are road in correctly of direction Shang, they in financial and regulatory policy aspects needs better to coordination, but while they also needs considered different national Zhijian labor productivity of differences, such as Germany of labor productivity very high, far over other some Eastern Mediterranean national,  Coordination and cooperation among the countries of Europe needs. For East Asia and North America, economic prospects are positive. North America will continue to grow, but will remain slow, growth is expected at around 3%, to a certain extent reduce loss
Rate. China has comparative advantages, as has a large foreign exchange reserves, you can adopt new policies to stimulate the economy, helped infrastructure investment, spur economic growth.  United States Foundation facilities investment should accelerated China Securities reported: for world first large economic body United States, many people of views is United States still is "no employment recovery", despite this year November of unemployment sharply fell, economists on unemployment of continued obvious fall does not said optimistic. promoting employment was think is United States economic decision makers faced of maximum challenge. you is how viewed 2012 United States of labor market and unemployment trend? Kante·xiusi: I think we will continue to see growth in the private sector to create jobs. Although growth speed do not meet the expectations of the outside world, but the private sector has continued to grow more than 20 months, to a certain extent, this will offset the job losses in the public sector. we see Federal, in particular, state politics
House of unemployed status reduced. However, the private-sector job growth will continue, but all of which depend on next year's United States policy and the 2012 general election.  The China Securities journal: promoting the United States economy more robust growth is that the Obama administration's top economic tasks, do you think the new year United States economy's main engine of growth come from? the short term, the Obama administration will be important measures to be taken? Kante·xiusi: I expectations United States Government can and Congress better to cooperation, in currently Foundation facilities investment Shang doubled, even pay three times times of efforts. I think we needs changed allows people long-term unemployment of status. I from Oregon, if you in Oregon drove travel, you will passing a seat and a seat bridge, they most is Shang century 30 generation Roosevelt "new deal" period of products. we should in these area investment, promoting labor productivity growth, this not only conducive to today of economic, also favourable
In the future.  Fed policy should more has targeted China Securities reported: from currency policy Shang see, 2012, fed take has include quantitative loose, and clear zero interest rate policy extended time, and on by holding bonds and institutions debt sold short buy long of "reverse operation" policy and other some stimulus economic action. considered to 2012 is President election years of background, fed will introduced which new initiatives, its on world economic and will has which spillover effect? Kante·xiusi: I think Fed will continues to to interest rate maintained in very low of level, its has revealed no reasons changed this a policy. inflation rate still in low, economic growth relative slow. I think, fed of currency policy more should in makes SMEs obtained credit aspects efforts, this will more effective to pull economic growth. on the, this may is not fed can do are of, we very needs take measures, speed up resolved housing mortgage loan crisis
Speed, which increases the mobility of the labour market.  The China Securities journal: the dollar has always been an important topic in the world economy, do you think the short and long term, the dollar would happen?  Kante·xiusi: from long-term trend view, dollars needs maintained long-term of competitiveness. due to United States in trade and often project Xia of deficit continued, financial deficit of risk constantly increased, I hope United States take of policy from long-term Shang can makes often project are balance. to do this is, almost can certainly of is, we needs more of manufacturing, in United States domestic increased investment, improve savings rate, while, needs dollars in international market Shang maintained competitiveness.  The China Securities journal: in 2011, we can see that international oil prices and commodity prices. in 2012, the trend in oil prices is expected to do? Kante·xiusi: I think the price of oil and commodity prices are likely to be slight changes, mostly because of the world economy

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