Monday, December 19, 2011

People's daily: let the children enjoy a happy football

6th Beijing boké in kindergarten, children play soccer.  This reporter Chen photo taken buildings between of a small football field Shang, one five people system football competition is red blue two team Zhijian for. different of is, field Shang of players are only five or six aged, ran up even are also does not is "secure". but, although Stadium and players are is "Pocket type", competition is is "though small, wuzangjuquan", corner kick, and out, and in the ring kick off, official competition of rules a are cannot less, racing Qian also has rose flag, and played national anthem of ceremony sth sth This is boké senior kindergarten in Beijing for a normal football game, according to Director Yin Hongbo introduction, teaching in the form of football is characteristic of the kindergarten since its inception, has remained, "football in each class will have at least 3 times a week, not less than 30 minutes at a time," teaching Director Ma Yiwen said, "during the summer, kindergartens will have its own Football League." 16
Today, football management center in Beijing granted title of boké infant soccer Park, in recognition of its contributions on football teaching in early childhood. Stadium Shang, these children were more like is in play, and is not in competition. ball to where, field Shang of players will rushed has where, in children were eye in the, location sense, and overall views, professional terms seems to does not exists. strange of is, field edge of football teacher does not on these "amateur" of behavior wagging, instead fest encourages. on this, Yin Director explained said: "to football for teaching way is not to let children were embarked on this section Road, became career players, and future star, So we are not designing tedious training or tactics course, "great Director said," instead, we want to make the children feel the joy of playing, form the good habit of exercising. in addition, playing football can exercise the children's attention span, creativity, cultivating team spirit, which allowed them to benefit from
Hygiene. " Red team of a children with ball, holding, is was opponent a shovel ball placed pour, "beep" of a sound whistle ring, blue team was fined has a free kick. Although some does not reluctant, but blue team players were also is "trembling" to take up has human wall, lest ball will hit to own. eventually, arbitrary ball kicked partial has, "human wall" a cheers, immediately inputs to has next round of contest in the. Yin Director describes, to avoid children injured, header, and collision, currently temporarily does not was allows, and children were also can with hand made some protection action,  It also exercises the children's ability to protect themselves. a dozen years, there have been no cases of children in kindergartens was injured, so parents are assured their children to kindergarten play. With a long whistle, End of period. red team of leading a happy, the players hand clap, naughty celebrated action, the blue team of team members are not convinced. two minutes less, both players began to urge

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