Thursday, December 8, 2011

Afghanistan women generals: a 28-year military career nbsp; facing sexual discrimination problems

United States, and U.A.E. reported a few days ago, katule·muhanmode·zhayi, 45 years old was Afghanistan's first out of a helicopter parachuting female paratroopers, 28 military career, she completed more than 600 parachute task more than once. in addition, she is Afghanistan a rare female generals were seen as a national hero and national symbols. but she still can't get rid of sex discrimination.  Afghanistan women generals Hamid Karzai holding your parachute jump of Hamid Karzai and his children to eat 28-year military career over more than 600 parachute the task katule·muhanmode·zhayi never carried the story in mind. That was in 2002 on the first day, she stood on a helicopter over Kabul. ground, President Hamid Karzai and thousands of Afghanistan people gathered at the national stadium to celebrate the fall of the Taliban regime after the first Afghanistan new year. 4 months ago, gathered here are maola·muhanmode·aomaer and his Taliban
The men, the stadium was their public places such as implementation of punishment to the death penalty. Belonging to Hamid Karzai of moments to has. the Afghanistan history Shang first a from helicopter Shang skydiving of female paratroopers, carried carrying 6 only doves, and one Koran and side Afghanistan flag. Dang multicolored of parachute open, she flying doves and slowly fell. but, due to pilots judgment errors, Hamid Karzai last in distance Stadium thousands of m zhiwai of local landed. She no shame to ran home, but stopped has a vehicles taxi rushed to the stadium. arrived Shi, she who still carrying parachute,  The crowd burst into thunderous applause and cheers.  "For me and for my country, this is the beginning of a new life," she recalls, "I think we've got new life, I have to show the world Afghanistan women are so brave, they can do everything." Military career of Mr Hamid Karzai, 45 28, completed a total of more than 600 parachute task more than once, she
Precision and bold parachuted into Kabul to celebrate independence day and new year's repertoire. Hamid Karzai is considered a national hero and national symbols, often seen on television, and soon promoted to three star General from Colonel.  "I knew her very well," United States Army National Guard of Georgia General Lali·dudeni said, "I'm very impressed by her, she exudes all over." Dudeney generals in Afghanistan carrying out her mandate and Hamid Karzai became friends, she had him talking about the hapless skydiving experience. " This is an interesting story, "Dudeney says," she said this is the best proof of themselves faced with unrelenting. ""  We women are not the slightest say "However, the glory days fading away. not being approved, Hamid Karzai has been a full 5 years did not skip the umbrella. Last 10 years, Afghanistan the status of women has increased, but now, women's rights is slowly waning. Zai
Qi He comrades felt that Hamid Karzai is an example. " I think she should be the Afghanistan model of new generation of women, but she is gradually marginalized. "  Said nuerjiahan·akeba, 20.5 years ago, Akbar was helping a writer friend of mine wrote a book about Afghanistan when brave women met Hamid Karzai.  Hamid Karzai did not comment publicly on these things. in her view, to obey the order is the bounden duty of the military. but her supporters for her to fight for social justice, they said that Hamid Karzai is not only a victim of gender discrimination, as well as victims of racial discrimination.  Hamid Karzai is Pashtun, and senior executives of the Ministry of defence was in 2001 led the Tajik Northern Alliance fighting the Taliban. While Afghanistan Government against gender and racial discrimination in the army, but this seems to be impossible. "I don't like her," Kabul building a well-educated engineer says, "Advancement of women in the military is no." " Our rights will gradually
Weakened, because the Government and the international community's concerns, from protecting Afghanistan women's rights turned to negotiating with the Taliban, in these negotiations, we women are not the slightest say. "  Akbar said. Hamid Karzai was a child, is a cosmopolitan city of Kabul, men and women have equal rights to education and the right to work. women seldom veil, the girls often wear it's an eraof or jeans. " Then, the woman does not need to cover up her hair, arms and legs. "  Zai recalled.  Eager to army life on the challenges of early 70 's, Hamid Karzai is in trouble, when she was 6 years old. Customs's father died, leaving the mother alone to raise two sons and 7 daughters.  When they grow up, deeply fascinated by Hamid Karzai on aircraft. Hamid Karzai at the age of 13, the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan. her high school graduation, Soviet occupation of Afghanistan more than 3. Kremlin support for the new regime of the Soviet Union
Afghanistan modernization, including improving women's rights and building a new army.  When conscription came to the school asking if someone is willing to join the army, 17 list of Hamid Karzai immediately hands. Hamid Karzai says, she is eager to challenge of army life. Shortly after he joined the army, she took part in the 150-km chain, along with the almost exclusively male recruits, from the capital Kabul over the mountains, arrived in the eastern city of Jalalabad. chain in the process, she and the male soldiers who go through the rigors of living in the wilderness. reach their destination, her feet were worn dripping with blood free from inhibition. " We were a lot of crime, but also an outstanding job in the chain. "  She said.  In this chain, among the best achievements of Hamid Karzai, the comrades with admiration. In 1984, Hamid Karzai's first parachute. said she was very afraid, until after the parachute, did she forget fear. " That is not exactly like a landing at the time, I can't help but think, I will be forever in a half

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