Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Beijing News: communication operators quot; Overlord quot;nbsp; consumer association should be straight off to activist

Controversial topics if zhongxiaoxie, local consumer association organizations are more straight yaogan, shelling of provisions of the King, activist for consumers through public interest litigation groups, will be able to change the passive situation in consumers ' weak in strength. Many consumers find mobile phone was inexplicably bail fee, investigate knew were carriers without authorization a value-added service., December 12, 21 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong consumers ' Association (CC, Sales Commission) of the three main comments on the collective public communication operators of three fighter, noting in unauthorized deduction fee "is tantamount to Rob openly dark stealing". (December 13) to the national people's Congress, called for a clear majority of representatives of consumer organizations are not specific consumer rights and public interest litigation subject qualification. of the three main comments on the collective public carrier fighter, pointed out that unauthorized deduction fee "is tantamount to Rob openly dark stealing". 21 City Consumer Association for public interest litigation rights get together, consumer rights, consumer provisions of the King
Challenges, actions related to eye-catching Medal, also reflects the return of the consumers ' Association functions. the problem is that unauthorized deduction means "Rob openly dark stealing" in the future, three major communication carriers will change?  Real consumption life, not only carrier provisions of the King, wronged consumers of business rules are too numerous. Although public opinion criticized constantly, but unspoken rules have not been broken.  Consumers ' Association not only to comment on the business provisions of the King, but also to actively for consumer rights, and overwrite the consumer provisions of the King, let consumer rights every day is "3·15". Although has been enacted over the years, but without any fundamental change to the disadvantage of the consumer, in front of businesses and consumers don't have much say. consumers ' Association's maiden people as consumers, are in an awkward position, consumers ' Association while the General set up within the trade and industry, but it's not as trade and Industry Bureau has the right to administrative law and administrative punishment right. Accordingly, the functions embodied in consumer awareness of the consumers ' Association, to provide consumers with

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