Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fujian: deaf and dumb thieves repeatedly commit crimes because of residual Traveler nbsp; even stolen one night netted 6 shops

Dumb thieves caught a year more than 30 times, but theft amount not many who are deaf and escape punishment, more emboldened, he even pick 6 stores overnight and arrested on the spot by the police.  On December 19, were arrested for burglaries, Xie Moujun the age of 19 by Fujian licheng police criminal charges. 6 shop overnight prized "95th Zhongshan Road shop doors, was dug open! "17th, is on its way licheng, security patrols Brigade member, heard the information passed from the wireless intercom outgoing person on duty. civilian police on duty immediately went to look, saw the door was prized open shop shop, has run away after thieves cleaned stores valuables. careful led police discovered a fresh mud on store door footprints," thieves should not be far away!  "Police immediately conducted a search on the peripheral. "New street found a shop prizing! "Just when everyone is looking for stolen thief's whereabouts, walkie talkie
To the new situation. "  Drawn some patrolled in the vicinity of the team, and extra manpower, caught people certainly this evening ", led by forest officers issued directives.  A few minutes Bell within, was informed that reinforcements requirements of police station civilian police, ICPO/Interpol team players gradually arrived. plus patrol players, total police reached near 30 people. civilian police on incident of Zhongshan Road, and new door Street area for more search, and land gradually continued found has 4 home shop shop door was pry, precious property was ransacked. in this several shop are found has and Zhongshan Road 95th, shops by left of same footprints. civilian police judgment, this should is same people or with gang thieves dry of, but thieves of action, is always than police fast half took. Go after an easy prey rogues was "old acquaintance" legitimate civilian police everywhere to find when the thieves even stole 5 shops, the bold thief in the eyes of the police forced open the 6th store door. when police patrols to the Zhongshan Road in a sports shoe shop, found in-store seems to be some wrong
. When civilian police flashlight to shop, and soon heard a sound in-store, then heard "poof-pass", "walls."  Led police immediately so that the two police constables eye on the front door, they take users from behind. sure enough, outside the walls behind the shoe store, has found a suspicious man the police planted the "drums", the nowhere men had to be captured. In his possession, the police found a pack of cigarettes and 1060 Yuan in cash, but asked his name, man yiyiyaya, is not to say. "  Are you "patrol member, someone spotted suspicious men. It turns out that men named Xie Moujun, is deaf, from small grew up in the welfare homes. police found in the repository, Xie Moujun, only 19 years old this year but because the theft being handled by police several times. Since March 2010, licheng security patrol Brigade captured its only 13 times, "this is just tip of the iceberg, including police station arrested, group
Grab, a total of about 30 times. "  One handling civilian police said.  Repeatedly commit crimes difficult to escape, according to police, Xie Moujun theft several times, but each time the amount of theft were not much structure not a criminal case; to reeducation through labor, but Xie Moujun was a deaf and dumb, the judiciary but also because the deaf belong to persons with disabilities, without receiving their detention. query records in the past, the most severe punishment, administrative detention for 15 days. "This may didn't so simple has, continuous House theft more up, and amounts has over 2000 Yuan", licheng criminal investigation six Squadron Wu Vice squadron leader said, Xie Moujun may therefore Qian public security organ repeatedly "took he didn't approach", performance was a Vice doesn't matter of looks like, but Dang police let sign language teacher to "this may to sentenced of, will closed is long time" of meaning convey to Xie Moujun Shi, Xie Moujun attitude immediately on variable has. in sign language teacher of help Xia, Xie Moujun active confessed has since November yilai, in urban Zhongshan Road and the

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