Friday, November 25, 2011

Single exit slow real estate, hotels and auxiliary industry according to abandon rigid uniformity

According to exclusive access to messages is seen as single-core business assets off of two landmark events, real estate business, and the exit of the hotel business, now was greater resistance, advancing slowly.  At the same time, SASAC to exit these problems also began to Prada Replica Bags insist on the loose, single exit of the hotel business in the future will be softening process, exit will be the reorganization of the real estate business in the future instead of exiting.  Softening treatment into the end of 2011, SASAC attitude toward the withdrawal of single real estate, Hotel Forum are happening quietly changing. "The split Prada Replica Bags in the hotel business, currently has some softening treatment." According to SASAC officials, "this is not so strict as before, we used to be permissible, who refused to hotels for business enterprises at all levels and enterprises to invest in the center of all kinds of non-core business hotels, we are asked to leave, now will be relaxed, and Prada Replica Bags left opening
.”  It is reported that this "hole" refers to be viewed as special cases of PetroChina. industry has been mentioned previously is that oil became the only pilot not to divest non-core business hotel, business single, and launched the hotel assets consolidation initiatives, is intended to use its gas station advantages develop chain Prada Replica Bags motels. Although the hotel is not in the oil industry. According to SASAC is currently thought, oil in the future similar pilots will be more than one home. " If you can make, this consolidation is the key efficiency, can address the interests of employees. "  These people say. And for another the auxiliary exits the landmark event, non-business Prada Replica Bags single exit of the real estate business, said SASAC said that "the future single real estate sector will also need to split with restructuring ideas, quit the concept less." " Of the very wide areas of Central enterprises, a special single of the real estate industry, that there is great scope for. If an enterprise
Real estate business happens Prada Replica Bags to satisfy other core business development needs of enterprises, both sides can take acquisitions, asset replacements, cross shareholding, property rights transferred without compensation to or even restructuring. "  These sources said. It is learnt that the adjustment of the above ideas partly because the two exits in the area of promoting very difficult. " Especially in the hotel field, more difficult than advancing up the real estate industry. "  SASAC said above.  Difficult to quit a year ago, as a single exit disk access in the hotel industry, one of China's Hong Kong China travel service group (hereinafter referred to as Hong Kong China travel) Chairman Mr Zhang Xue Wu had told the media that, by the end of 2010, travel to Hong Kong might have received approximately 20 to 30 single-split hotels. However the end of 2010, Hong Kong China travel even failed to achieve zero breakthrough. until August this year, China Mobile Group Chongqing which Lai hotel free to travel to Hong Kong in the group, Hong Kong China travel receive a single non-core business hotels in a few years later after all
Achieve zero breakthrough.  Mr Zhang Xue Wu recently said in an interview with this reporter, next year should be able to receive more hotels. SASAC stakeholders express, Lai Hotel Chongqing transferred without compensation are relatively specific, is not representative.  Mr Zhang Xue Wu also admits: "this work mainly in the promotion of State-owned assets supervision, do resistance is too big, need to balance the interests of all sectors." SASAC said above, in fact, the central enterprise Hotel exit work have been done. " But it is very difficult to promote, partly owing to the most single hotel property complex; the second related to human settlements problems; some single hotel's profit is also good, companies reluctant to let go. "  He said.  According to statistics, the single hotel, owned by no less than 2000 Enterprise, its assets are up to hundreds of billions of dollars, nearly every single its hotel business. At the same time, single room
Exit progress more slowly. " Chaoyang industry now and in the real estate industry, after all, no small profit contribution for the enterprise, enterprise initiative to split the will is not strong. "  The SASAC officials said.  Period difficult to draw a single real estate, hotel exit in advance, there is also a fact that can not be ignored is that the end of August last year, the original Li Rongrong, SASAC Director retiring, Wang Yong took over as. Commission began to transition from the era of Li Rongrong Wang Yong era.  Single hotels split, was once one of the important tasks of the era of Li Rongrong, SASAC. just from the initial financial thoroughly, restructuring programme designed to reform started, before and after consumption to four years ' time.  It is learnt that, as early as 2007, recombinant single SASAC has plans to spin off non-core business hotels business. On December 14, 2009 meeting of the heads of single, Li Rongrong has made clear to 3-5 years separating the single non-core business hotels of restructuring.

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