Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Independence generation had entered a period of shoulder picked four old bear Board emergency worth promoting

Shadow reporter Bo Wang alone generation entered "Shang has old Xia has small" bear period investigation: brain stroke patients age segment constantly sinking phenomenon increasingly obvious expert: alone generation shoulder pick four old of distress will became general social problem new commercial reported reporter green bamboo Yang Xu on November 21 early at 6 o'clock, rainfall after of Dalian appeared obvious cool, many peers also hid in warm of quilt in sleeping, 30 aged of Zhang Xiao is had to for due to brain stroke and hospital of father began has day of Criss-. just out corridor, he of coat on was wind playing through has, He quickly low head, tight has tight scarf, carrying with just Cook good of hot porridge, to Dalian University subsidiary Zhongshan Hospital of neural surgical Ward ran to. being home in the only son, he does not know such of days will continued how long, from on November 1 father sick to now, has 21 days has, he think had was especially long. now, he in units of workload was obvious of effect. most terrible of is, doctor told he
Because of missed out on the best time to visit, recovery of the elderly is unsatisfactory, that may last years or even decades., shorthanded, as the biggest challenge. Event 1 60 aged of father suddenly body was stricken in Dalian University subsidiary Zhongshan hospital neural surgical 14 Ward 2nd, bed, Zhang Xiao to father wipe has face, and feed good porridge Hou, to day to injection of drug and rehabilitation treatment of progress and see has a again. early at 8 o'clock whole, doctor began rounds has, then he is empty quietly to asked has nurses, "yesterday night makes has no." " No, pretty well last night. "  He then assured. On October 31 this year, symptoms of body was stricken father suddenly went up about 60 years old, who lost consciousness on the right side. the morning of November 1, Zhang Xiao finally in Dalian University affiliated Zhongshan hospital find a bed. yellow attending doctor told him, his father's side of the neck artery total occlusion, stenosis and on the other side
Pulse Hemangioma, thrombosis has hardened, brain cell necrosis, this is not the original diabetes. doctor Wong regrets telling him: "it now appears that surgery is unnecessary, only mild rehabilitation exercise."  Father sick Hou, he no has day and night of concept, all night does not sleeping are is often of. mother suffers from varicose veins action inconvenience, Zhang Xiao is responsible for night accompanying. often is, he just by with bedside sleep has, on heard father because to urine and beat bedside of sound, may Dang he help up father prepared urine Hou, half a more hours also missing hybrid, just to father help goes to bed, father on to beds urine wet has. such of things, sometimes a night to appeared three or four times. Because of lack of hands, Zhang Xiao have delayed work, performance bonuses shrank by half, and father every day, nurses will need $ 150. Zhang Xiao told reporters that the care of patients has all his life, from economic pressures especially on large, now,
Father of checks and treatment fees have spent more than 30,000. He felt that if this continues, really was going to crash.  2 breast cancer and her pregnant mother has been identified as Zhang Xiao, Lin Li is also the only child born 1980. the winter of 1999, her father suddenly was found patients with colorectal cancer, in College, an end-of-year exam the day before, her father died due to illness. She was out of compliance was cancelled research qualifications. after graduation, she became a top 500 enterprises of Dalian software Park human resources manager. In January 2011, Lin Li finally get pregnant, this makes her happy news, however, haven't had time to tell his family, the day she was informed that mothers be detected breast cancer and required immediate surgery. husband to travel Japan and her father's death, mothers accompanying during surgery can only rely on her. " At that time, the maternity hospital the doctor said I progesterone is low, need strengthening mucle, however, the mother was about to surgery at that time, Christian Dior Bags all on me
Own care, there is no time to play progesterone. "  Mother surgery discharged Shi, pregnant 52 days weight only 92 pounds of she, himself carry with mother discharged Shi near 40 pounds heavy of large luggage package home, breath Shang has 6 floor. 3 months Hou, she abortion has. doctor suspected, this and she pregnant early no rest good or in hospital of experience about. a months Qian, she flower 60,000 yuan for himself of family buy has health insurance. She said, she again also ban does not up family of injuries has.  Investigation of stroke in patients Christian Dior Bags with age and constantly moved down, Zhang Xiao, and Lin Li's experience in a hospital is not uncommon for. worst case, has worked for four or five years the only son of dunv, parents get wrapped around one of chronic disease. inadequate manpower, economic constraints, let the independence generation cannot afford. Dalian University affiliated hospital, neurosurgery Director Deng Dongfeng told reporters that in cerebral apoplexy patients ages under constantly moving background, in the treatment of the patients, ages
Between the ages of 55 and ~65 in patients with Christian Dior Bags more and more, can 70%, patients with this age group children in about 30 years old, this means that most of their children after the independence generation. "Brain stroke patients most has body was stricken of symptoms, if no timely treatment, on patients and patients family of life quality effect is large. these patients of nursing not only continued of time long, strength also very large. in we ward in, often can saw alone generation children a a people care elderly of situation, they not only to face work, and life of pressure, also to burden up care elderly of burden."  Deng Christian Dior Bags Dongfeng told reporters that those generation y generation alone, this will be a responsible, comprehensive economic strength, endurance, fitness test. Expert board emergency worth promoting the line since 1980, the CPC Central Committee since the publication of generation y becomes synonym for only-child. the latest statistics show China, Dalian
Family size was brought down to 2.82 people from per cent in 2000, giving modern people, such as marriage, maternity and old-age brings many practical problems.  Journalist phone line has been concerned about "independence" Christian Dior Bags in the problems of East China Normal University's population Institute Director Professor Wu Ruijun., he says, first generation parents only child had just entered the stage of ageing, mostly to 60~69sui young old man now, the body is still relatively healthy, experiencing parental care of the sick and needy of the independence generation is not common, but in the next 5-10 years, which would become a widespread social problem. Wu Ruijun told reporters that in 2000, the Shanghai trial had been "old-age Bank" project, also known as "time Bank", by recruiting Christian Dior Bags low aged older elderly volunteer services for the elderly, endowment service record time, the implementation of social service feedback mechanism. but because of problems on the management mechanism, no widespread promotion, only in Zhejiang
Jiaxing is in some areas, such as attempt, but the results still needs time.  Reporter in interview in the understanding to, for should missing brothers sisters, and emergency Shi staff insufficient of reality situation, has has only children own ways to, attempts to with and students, and friends formed close network, these between close of peers, a is can acts as a partners, communication emotion. II is in elderly sick Shi mutual take to hand, and this to relies on itself of social support network, also was population expert by advocate. Dalian University of technology Professor Jiang Zhaohua believes that parents only child ages, only rely on the Government's services to address all social issues such as single parents was ill, this spontaneous social support network for parents providing care services, is also a common practice in foreign countries, future China's one-child parent should also be an effective way of ageing. Governments can rely on the community to establish the one-child social support network of information systems, in the one-child parent

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